Everything is a process and to fall completely in love with ourselves we have to start by conquering ourselves. End up loving you and being the woman who feels safe and confident in herself. That is why we created this plan "Conquering me" only for brave women like you, where we will help you create better eating habits, stay active and project the person you really are, by working and helping you recognize your own essence, by teaching you how to dress according to your style, with the colors, garments and accessories that best suits you.
Conquistándome "Conquering myself"
Complete Personal Image and Style Consulting
-3 personal Image online consultancies
-1 online closet cleaning advice
-Online personal shopper
-1 Personal Image manual: (With your Style, Colors that best suits you, your body type and Face, Clothing and accessory recommendations, Makeup recommendation, according to your essence, style, colors, body type and Face...
Physical training
-4 personalized exercise routines that you can do at home
-Exemplification videos of the exercises
meal plan
-1 online appointment with the nutritionsit
-Adequate distribution of macronutrients according to your energy requirement
-Distribution of meal times according to patient acceptance
-Examples of food groups with measurable portions
-Variety in terms of food
-Varied, sufficient, adequate, safe and complete meals.