There is nothing better than pampering ourselves, taking care of ourselves, falling in love with ourselves a little more every day. That is why we created a plan “Loving me more”, just for you, which will help you create better eating habits and help you project the person you really are by working in recognizing your essence,teaching you how to dress according to your style with the colors, clothes and accessories that best suit you.
Loving myself more
meal plan
-1 online appointment with the nutritionsit
-Adequate distribution of macronutrients according to each personas requierments.
-Distribution of meal times according to patient acceptance
-Examples of food groups with measurable portions
-Variety in terms of food
-Varied, sufficient, adequate, safe and complete Meals
Complete Personal Image Consulting
-3 personal image online consultancies
-1 online closet cleaning advice
-Online personal shopper
-1 Personal Image manual that includes: (Your Style, the best Colors that suit you, your Body type and Face, Clothing and accessory recommendations, Makeup recommendation for you.